Fredrick White

Fredrick White has been making art since 1985. He received his Bachelor of Arts (fine art sculpture) from Victoria College, Prahran in 1988. He completed his Honours at RMIT University in 1999. Predominantly working in metals his practice is focused on an investigation and meditation into the notions of connection. The work radiates a formal aesthetic while developing more complex and emotional layers of meaning. On the surface these works are not autobiographical but his sculptures are a reflection of his time and experience of this world and represent the suggestion that water is a sign of the emotional and physical body. In 2007 White was commissioned to undertake his first major public sculpture From Life To Life at Bridgetown, Western Australia and in 2010 he created two major public commissions in Western Queensland. He continues to investigate our connection to the earth and the archetypes of our existence.

View Fredrick’s recent exhibition catalogue here